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Dreams & Imaginings

“Dreams and Imaginings” portrays a world infused with magic and light, where I explore the night sky, salute the full moon, honor the ancient impulse to worship the stars, and find galaxies beyond our vision.

The night sky and the expanse of the universe have always amazed and inspired me, but in recent years, they came to mean more. Following a profound loss, I faced daunting responsibilities alone. Each night before bed, I’d steal a few minutes outside to look at the stars. Through long anxious nights, moonlight streamed across my bed and kept me company. The night sky filled me with gratitude and helped me to carry on with life.

I experience these pieces as mysteriously “happening” rather than something I consciously made. More sacred objects than photographs, these images are an offering of wonder and grace. I hope that sharing them will provide an impetus to persevere, even in the darkest of times.