Jenny's Blog

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Fog burning off?


I could barely stand to post anything tonight. I’m in my little rural corner of the world, grieving for my country this evening. For two years I’ve made images of personal grief, pain, and transformation. But nothing I’ve made can speak to the raw, unbearable state of my nation. It’s been frightening for years, but now any scab that’s grown over the daily cynical abuses, dog whistles, and manipulations by the criminals in power has been utterly ripped off. We are collectively howling in horror and agony.

Here on the California coast, days of heat draw in a cool layer of fog from the ocean. Daily the sun burns it off, sometimes in the blink of an eye. Yesterday I was able to catch this first sliver of blue sky before the fog was gone. 

Can we throw off the daze we’ve been living in, like the sun burns off the fog? With great honor and respect to the 100,000 lives unnecessarily lost, to George Floyd, and to the litany of precious beings whose lives have been destroyed by racism.